Chicken stir fry recipe with holantao

Chicken stir fry recipe

Do not miss this delicious holantao or cilantro chicken, better known in other countries as peas or peas, which we teach you to prepare in Free Recipes if you want to try a dish originally from Peru in all its splendour. Keep reading the step by step that we detail below and get an easy and super tasty chicken stir fry with holantao.

Ingredients to make a chicken stir fry with holantao:

 1 chicken breast, diced

 1 handful of Chinese beans

 1 handful of holantao or cilantro (peas or peas)

 8 lettuce leaves

 1 paprika

 1 kion or ginger

 1 tablespoon chunk or Chinese sweet and sour sauce

 Sillao or soy sauce or soy

 1 onion

 4 cloves of garlic

 2 envelopes of oyster sauce

How to make holantao chicken stir fry:

Peel, liquefy the kión with a little water, strain and leave the liquid. Add the oyster sauce, add soy sauce and chunk to taste. Mix everything. This will be the first thing we have to do to prepare the delicious holantao chicken.

With the paprika cut into strips, and the onion also cut into strips, cut the tips and wash the cilantro, wash the lettuce leaves and chop or grind the garlic cloves.

In a won (wok) or large skillet heat oil, add the garlic and brown. Add the minced chicken and brown. When the chicken dumps water, remove it and let it brown with oil.

Add the paprika and onion and let them brown.

Add the king mixture and the chicken water that we remove to the pan. Let the fried chicken with holantao boils a little.

Add the cilantro, the Chinese beans, salt and bring to a boil.

Add the lettuce leaves and more soy sauce. Boil the chicken with cilantro until the lettuce is reduced and turn off the heat.

Serve the chicken stir-fry with cilantro accompanied with loose white rice and boiled quail eggs.

If you liked the recipe for Chicken stir fry with holantao, we suggest you enter our Chicken Recipes category. You can also visit a selection of the best Peruvian recipes. You may be interested to read about the pineapple tiramisu recipe/ beef salad bowl recipe/ Italian apple cake recipe/ rice puddings recipe/ chestnut cookies recipe.


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