Capixaba fish moqueca recipe

Learn with Specialfood how to prepare a simple and tasty capixaba fish moqueca! This is a very typical dish from Espírito Santo and is popular especially during Holy Week, as is the case with the Espirito Santo pie. Check out the preparation of capixaba fish moqueca below, and be sure to try this delicious recipe from Espírito Santo at home.

Ingredients for making capixaba fish moqueca:

 400 grams of sea bass or whiting cut into slices

 200 milliliters of fish broth

 ½ onion unit

 2 units of tomato

 1 large garlic clove

 1 unit of lemon

 1 teaspoon of annatto or paprika

 3 tablespoons of olive oil




How to make capixaba fish moqueca:

The first step of this recipe for capixaba fish moqueca is to gather the necessary ingredients - check out how to prepare simple and homemade fish broth.

Season the fish with lemon juice and salt to taste. Marinate while performing the following steps.

The next step in capixaba fish moqueca is to chop the tomatoes (seedless) into small cubes, the onion also into cubes and the garlic into very fine pieces.

In a pan over medium heat with the oil, saute the onion and garlic until golden.

Add the tomato, cover, lower the heat and cook this capixaba fish moqueca stew for 1-2 minutes.

After the previous step, add the fish without the marinade, the broth, the annatto or paprika and the chopped aromatic herbs. Season with salt, cover and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring 1 or 2 times.

After the indicated time, the capixaba fish moqueca will be ready! Turn off the heat and rectify the salt.

Serve the capixaba fish moqueca while still hot and accompanied by boiled potatoes or, for example, egg and banana farofa. Enjoy your food!

If you liked the capixaba fish moqueca recipe, we suggest you enter our moqueca recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read baked cauliflower recipe/ baked vegetables recipe/ barley soup recipe/ chicken aguadito recipe/ peruvian baked chicken recipe/ peruvian bread pudding recipe.


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