Simple cassava broth recipe

Simple cassava broth recipe

Looking for delicious broth recipes for the winter? Here Specialfood lets you learn how to make simple cassava broth step by step in photos so that you don't have any difficulty and get a very tasty broth!

This broth is also called cassava soup in some regions of Brazil and, although the ingredients vary a little (for example, some people do not add garlic or carrots), the end result is very similar. You can prepare this simple and quick cassava broth in the pressure cooker, however the preparation in the common pot is also valid.

Check out here at Specialfood how he makes cassava broth in step-by-step photos, perfect for warming up and comforting on the coldest days!

Ingredients for making simple cassava broth:

 1 medium cassava (500 g)

 1 onion

 2 garlic cloves

 1 big carrot

 ½ leeks

 2 tablespoons of oil or olive oil

 1 liter of water or vegetable broth

 1 tablespoon of salt

 chopped chives to taste

How to make simple cassava broth:

Peel the manioc and cut it into pieces so it will cook faster. Do the same with the carrots, onion and garlic and cut the leeks into slices.

Tip: if your cassava is not fresh, don't forget to remove the fiber from the middle, which is hard and will harm the creamy consistency of this broth.

In another pan with the oil or olive oil, saute the chopped onion and garlic for 1-2 minutes over medium-low heat. Add the leeks, mix and cook for another 1 minute.

Add the carrots and cassava to the pan and mix. Leave it on the fire for another 1-2 minutes, so the vegetables "sweat out" and you get a tastier soup!

Add 1 liter of water or vegetable broth and salt. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes in a pot or 20 minutes in a pressure cooker.

Tip: the water should be enough to cover all the vegetables. If not, add some more.

To find out if the simple cassava broth is ready, chop one of the cassava pieces with a fork or knife: if the cassava is still hard, let the soup boil for another 10-15 minutes.

If the cassava falls apart easily, it means that all the vegetables are cooked! Grind the cassava broth with a hand mixer directly in the pan until smooth or, if you prefer, let it cool a little and blend in a blender.

Tip: if the cassava broth is too thick before or after beating, add a little water.

Serve your simple cassava broth, then sprinkled with chopped chives and accompany it with, for example, toast seasoned with oregano and cheese. Simply delicious!

If you are looking for more cassava stock recipes, check out our suggestions:

Manioc soup with chicken

Cassava broth with ground beef

Cassava broth with dried meat

Tip: did you like this recipe? Leave a comment below and upload a photo of your cooked cassava soup!

Also check out the video preparation of this cassava broth recipe!

If you liked the simple cassava broth recipe, we suggest you enter our Broth Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read the penne with broccoli recipe/ ricotta gnudi with mushrooms recipe/ spinach and yellow peas recipe/ spinach salad with crispy garlic recipe/ penne with broccoli with hen recipe/ ticino bread with rooster recipe.


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