Sweet Couscous Recipe with Granulated Tapioca

Sweet Couscous Recipe

At Specialfood we want to teach you how to make a sweet tapioca couscous, a very typical Bahia cold dessert and the perfect order for anyone who loves coconut! In this recipe, the couscous is prepared with water and coconut milk, a trick to make it very soft, like the couscous you buy on the street. Do you want to learn how to do it? Check out this recipe for sweet couscous with granulated tapioca explained step by step below and enjoy!

Ingredients for making sweet couscous with granulated tapioca:

 500 grams of granulated tapioca

 1½ liters of water

 200 milliliters of coconut milk

 1 unit of fresh grated coconut

 600 grams of sugar (about 3 and a half cups)

 1 can of condensed milk

How to make sweet couscous with granulated tapioca:

Start by preparing this tapioca couscous recipe by mixing the tapioca and sugar in a large container.

Tip: Start preparing this recipe in the morning to be ready in the afternoon.

Add water at room temperature and mix well to distribute throughout the tapioca. Then add the coconut milk, mix well again and let it hydrate for 6 hours, covered with plastic film.

Tip: You can leave the couscous moisturizing in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

At the end of that time your sweet couscous with granulated tapioca is ready! Mix the grated coconut with the condensed milk and serve it with this delight, we are sure it will be the best couscous you've ever tasted!

Did you like this recipe? Leave a comment below and also check out how to make these suggestions:

Light granulated tapioca pudding;

Tapioca cake with cheese;

Tapioca student cupcake.

If you liked the Sweet Couscous recipe with granulated tapioca, we suggest you enter our Pudding and Flan Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the barley salad with pesto recipe/ braised gyoza recipe/ bucatini with anchovies recipe/ cake with amaretti recipe/ carrot and chocolate cake recipe/ chocolate nests recipe/ cilento goat cacioricotta blogpost.


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