Fried Romeo and Juliet Pastel Recipe

Fried Romeo and Juliet Pastel Recipe

Despite being quite popular at June festivals, the fair pastries are a delight for any occasion! Even better if they are made at home, like this cheese and guava paste that we teach you to prepare at Specialfood.

If you don't know how to make guava pastry, continue here because we'll show you step-by-step photos of how to prepare the dough. You can also use ready-made pastry dough for this recipe, but we guarantee that the guava pastries are even more delicious with this dough that we teach you to make and which, moreover, is very simple and practical to use in other savory recipes!

So, let's go to the kitchen and prepare this fried Romeo and Juliet pastry recipe? Check out all the details below and try it out soon!

Ingredients for making Fried Romeo and Juliet Pastel:


 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams)

 ⅓ cup of oil

 1 tablespoon of sugar (shallow spoon)

 1 teaspoon of salt (shallow spoon)

 water to the point

 frying oil


 100 grams of guava

 100 grams of Minas cheese

How to make Fried Romeo and Juliet Pastel:

Separate the ingredients needed to prepare this fried guava pastry recipe.

Tip: In this recipe it will not yeast.

In a bowl place the sifted flour, sugar and salt and mix. Drill a hole in the center, as in the photo, and pour the oil into it.

In the same hole where you put the oil add half a cup of water and start mixing these liquids with the flour. Add a little more water and knead for 5-10 minutes until you get a smooth, homogeneous dough that comes off the bowl and hands.

Tip: The amount of water varies, so add little by little until you get the dough point. If the dough is too dry and cracking, add a little more flour.

When you get a smooth dough, shape it into a ball and let it rest for 20 minutes, this way the dough becomes firmer and less elastic, making it easier to open.

On a floured bench roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it is 2 mm thick. Using a round cutter, or similar accessory, cut out dough disks.

Tip: Don't make the dough too thick to prevent it from getting raw inside after frying.

Place the filling on the dough disks: 1-2 pieces of guava and 1-2 pieces of cheese. Moisten the edges of the dough with a little water and close the disk in half, in the shape of a pastry, or cover with another disk of dough.

Tip: We recommend using Minas cheese, but you can use another one of your choice: mozzarella, parmesan, cheddar...

Press the edges with a fork to close your cheese guava pastry tightly. Do it this way with the remaining dough and filling ingredients.

Heat the oil and, when it's at the right temperature, fry the pastries for about 5 minutes or until they are golden brown on both sides. Remove the fried pastries and place the excess oil on a plate with absorbent paper.

Tip: You'll know the oil is at the right temperature when you dip a pastel in it and the pastel starts bubbling, like in the photo.

Your fried Romeo and Juliet pastry is ready! A delight to eat as a snack or dessert, everyone will surely enjoy it! Try it and let us know in the comments what you think of this guava and cheese pastry recipe!

Looking for more sweet pastel recipes? See these suggestions:

Pastel Romeo and Juliet baked

Sweet fruit pastry with puff pastry

Portuguese custard tart

If you liked the Fried Romeo and Juliet Pastel recipe, we suggest you enter our Pastel Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read the smoked mackerel with quinoa recipe/ stuffed courgettes with lentils recipe/ tuna burger recipe/ zucchini and chickpea burger recipe/ zucchini salad recipe/ baked cauliflower with garlic recipe.


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